Marcia gay harden oscar win

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For Winslet, it was the second time that she had received an Academy Award nomination for portraying a character at a younger stage of life in a film in which the actress portraying the older character also received a nomination. The other contenders for the award were Helen Mirren ('Gosford Park'), Maggie Smith ('Gosford Park'), Marisa Tomei ('In the Bedroom'), and Kate Winslet ('Iris'). In the quasi-biographical 'A Beautiful Mind', Alicia was the supportive wife of schizophrenic mathematician John Nash who fought treatment for his illness until his wife threatened to leave him.

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Despite accolades for her performance, the casting of Connelly was criticized since the real Alicia Nash was Salvadoran her Latina heritage wasn't mentioned in the film. Another winner with her first Academy Award nomination, Jennifer Connelly won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress for her portrayal of strong-willed Alicia Nash in 'A Beautiful Mind'.

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