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The boy’s teacher alerted a guidance counselor and principal Josephine Bazan (pictured), who called the boy’s mother.

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Koppelson was removed to a school administrator rotation pool.Īfter the attack on the boy, the two third-graders received a five-day suspension, and the ringleader - who has since left the school - received a 10-day suspension, the lawsuit says. The attack on the boy happened just a month after Koppelson had been reassigned in January 2012 and replaced by Bazan, a 23-year department veteran. '(The incidents) were never placed in the system at all.' 'She said, 'He's just a kid,'' the girl's mom told the News in March. The lawsuit says the principal at the time, Charyn Koppelson, did nothing to punish the young perpetrator, or at least discourage his lewd behavior - and allowed him to continue attending the school as if nothing had happened. EXCLUSIVE: 9-YEAR-OLD'S SEX ABUSE DURING CLASS, LUNCH WENT UNPUNISHEDĭuring the 2009-2010 school year, he was accused of touching a third-grade girl under her skirt during a reading class, according to a lawsuit filed last week by the girl's mother.

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