When is the gay pride parade 2013

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This year, Toronto celebrates 34 years of Pride and the excitement of hosting WorldPride 2014. Join us at 2 PM 1 PM on Sunday, June 29, 2020, for the largest Pride Parade Canada has ever seen! That's right- due to overwhelming enthusiasm from our communities, parade entrants have surpassed our expectations and we're starting the parade an hour early! We are looking forward to a spectacular event! Want to March in the WorldPride Parade? Corporate floats will be judged in a separate division, and will not be eligible for cash prizes. The judges will be looking for floats that best incorporate WP14TO's theme Rise Up! Prizes will be awarded to winning groups for Best Overall ($1000), Best Float ($1000), Best Marching ($1000), Best Costume ($500), and Best Choreography ($500). Help make this year's WorldPride Parade one the world will remember, and win cash prizes while you do it! This year prizes of up to $1000 will be awarded to the top entries in a variety of categories.

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Festival / Parade & Marches / Annual Pride Parade WorldPride Parade 2014 Parade applicantsĬlick here for a PDF of the groups intending to participate in the paradeĬlick here for the Pride Toronto Dispute Resolution Process 2014 worldPride parade to Award Float Prizes

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